How it all Began

Rapid growth with diverse components being added to the business in fast succession required members of the leadership team to take on ever-expanding roles.  Thriving in this turbulence required each leader to perform at their best, and for the group to develop a leadership culture to match.  Also, there was a requirement to manage the number of reports to the CEO and the subsequent leadership needs that emerged from these decisions.

How We Helped

We designed a long-term process to provide ‘just in time’ consulting and development episodes to suit the changing needs of the individuals in the group, and the evolving business they support:

  • Design was based on interviews with stakeholders and Exec team members, as well as thorough data analysis, reporting and consulting with the CEO
  • Modular design, aligned to business growth and performance and including leadership strategy, team culture development, 360 behavioural instrument, leadership tools, individual coaching and application to specific business challenges
  • Exec leadership workshops enabled feedback and on-going team development, as well as evolution of leadership culture and development of strong senior relationships
  • Selected leaders had coaching for themselves and facilitation with their leadership teams

Results Achieved

  • Significant behaviour change reported within the leadership team, with tools embedded into daily processes
  • Increase in defined cultural measures for improving business performance (e.g., open conversations and alignment)
  • Business measures improving despite increase in business complexity, market volatility, expansion of products and services and other significant changes