Soft skills … screaming out for a brand refresh
Much business conversation focuses on being outcomes driven, delivering value, thinking strategically, taking responsibility, accountability, ownership, … getting results. And rightly so. Typically, the way leaders pursue these things is by telling their people to do them, be them, achieve them. This might look like stating the vision or goal, restating it now and again,…
Why the Frogs for winc? (a client’s story)
I’ve worked with the Frogs for more than 10 years of my career now. It has been a joyful and satisfying ride. It started at Staples (now winc), where it was a collective belief that the quality of our leaders was key to our commercial success (made my job easier!). So, as National Organisational Development…
Your coach is not your friend
Well, they might be, but that’s not their job. So, what is their job? (Excellent question.) At a macro level, there’s probably a spectrum from ‘questions only’ at one end to ‘a bit of everything’ at the other. ‘Questions only’ does what it says on the tin. But what, in practice, does ‘a bit of…
What do we actually do?
(But is that the most useful question?) I’ve never found it easy to describe nor to translate. I really don’t know why. And yet, you’ve gotta be clear on what you do so you can sell it, right? Perhaps, more specifically, I find it difficult to describe the power and value gained from it. I’ve…
Working to B better
The Frogs play in the leadership + culture space. This hasn’t traditionally prompted conversations about sustainability policy + practices with clients – as businesses or as individuals. In fact, we used to tiptoe around it – each to their own, right? We’d focus on how to boost their leadership or shift their culture. Yet it…
Don’t waste a crisis
Every crisis brings opportunity, forcing us to act radically, at least in the short term. COVID-19 has seen countries around the world shut down their borders and economies to defend against the pandemic. Governments are delivering huge temporary monetary injections to help people and organisations stay afloat. In Australia, we’re experiencing our ‘first in 27-years’…
Energy + Connection + Skill = Virtual soul food
Action on Purpose coming to you – ‘intimate + personal’ via your device The Frog’s purpose – to infuse business with the skills and positive energy to change the world – seems globally pertinent just now. Our time has come. It’s a big call. Trickier when the people in organisations we work with are unable…
Weird… wonderful? You choose.
Need I even set the scene? Everyone’s in it. We can’t go 5 minutes without talking about it. Everyone’s feeling it, to some degree. COVID-19 is working its way across and around the world. While it was predicted (check out Bill Gates TED talk, 2015), we weren’t ready. Arguably we’re still not ready. The WFH…
Cult…ure and women’s AFL
At 46, I was lucky (some said ‘stupid’) enough to try on women’s AFL. A friend convinced me to just ‘give it a go’. I rocked up to the first training session. I felt I should at least go to the second. I had a strong urge to give the third a go. I really wanted…
Is ‘busy’ just a word?
… Or it is a way of being? Through the influences we are exposed to, the conversation we have in our head (what we tell ourselves) and the filters we have developed over our life (our attitudes, beliefs + values, to name a few) we create our very own ‘map of the world’. Our version…
Machines more like people. People more like machines. Huh?!
In the push for AI, machine learning, and all that progressive jazz, business still needs and will continue to need, people. Flesh + bone, thinking + feeling. People. For the stuff that AI wont be doing – the collaboration, connection, relationship, energy, creativity that comes from engaged human hearts and minds. After all, organisations are…
Just get engaged, will you!
“Our engagement scores are low [read “appalling”]. Our quarterly results are suffering. We need you to come in and get people engaged.” … says the MD. So, we do what we do best. We zoom about the organisation, with energy and love, compelling people to find their better selves; we throw them a few tools…