(But is that the most useful question?)

I’ve never found it easy to describe nor to translate.  I really don’t know why.  And yet, you’ve gotta be clear on what you do so you can sell it, right?  Perhaps, more specifically, I find it difficult to describe the power and value gained from it.  I’ve yet to meet a client who declares after our work together “Yes, I knew that was going to happen, as it did in that way, and with that impact.”  They’re usually surprised (pleasantly), that what they were thinking might be a temporary lift in engagement and productivity became a collective experience of cultural clarity, and a revamp of energy and skill that powered a more intentional effort in the right direction.

Let’s do the Simon Sinek thing, the inside out thing, as an exercise.  It is the way we work, with purpose as the driver, which is why the ‘what’ isn’t always the same.

Why Vibrant Frog?

Everything we do is centred on our belief that organisations can be profitable, sustainable, they can positively impact their communities and the environment around them, and the people within those organisations can flourish.  Importantly, these things are not mutually exclusive.

All of those ‘can’s should really be ‘should’s.

It’s not a starting point shared by our competitors.  It’s not one that wins the attention of those with only profit in mind, at the expense of people or environment (albeit sometimes unintentional).  And we’re not seeking those clients.  If we can find an alignment between the purpose of the organisation and ours, we’re in.

How do we play?

… we are clear on this.

  • We explore with deep curiosity to get to the root of problems so people can really see them, and their attempts to fix them have better odds.
  • We have compassion for people and their situations, which helps us see past blame to sensible solutions.
  • We connect with people at a deeper level than your average bear.  Because we’re interested in their ability to be their greatest, truest selves.  We want them to flourish for their own good and for the good of the organisation.  We approach everyone with love, from the easy-going to the cantankerous – because it takes all sorts.  We’re interested in what they can achieve, and how that helps them flourish.
  • We teach and instruct people on how they can manage themselves better (with more self-compassion, practicality, structure, confidence, but mostly intention).  We coach on how to lead, better than they are today, and then encourage them to do a little better again tomorrow.
  • We identify patterns and interactions within organisational systems, and we help the people within the system to see them too, so when it all shifts again, they’re onto it.  Then we work with people to make the system work for them – to help them achieve their company goals and shape the ‘right’ culture around them.
  • With love and responsibility, and some playfulness, we remind people about their commitments, about the power of discipline, simplicity, and reflection.  We’re the ones who say “hey, come on!” – the nudge, the conscience.  We know people are imperfect (because we are), so provide gentle encouragement when it’s needed.

Bringing us to what?

(“We make computers” – Apple).

We make leaders even better and create more vibrant cultures.  In whatever way we (you and us Frogs) think will work best.


Wanna play?

Author: Alison West